Edit relies on donations to keep the lights on for groups to have a friendly place to meet when we will be able to re-open for all to meet here. Please consider helping by doing one or more of the ways to help as listed below.
Join the Benefactors Club for $10 per Month! As a bonus you get your own coffee cup with your name and it is kept on the Benefactor’s Club cup rack (coffee not included). A photo of the rack is in the photo below.
You can pay through an automatic deduction from your Bank Account. E-Mail edit12step@gmail.com for instructions on how to set it up.
You can pay using PayPal (even if you don’t have a PayPal account) by clicking on the coffee cup logo here.
Or click here:
Or with Venmo – 303-949-8978 and you can specify a particular meeting to recognize for 7th Tradition.
Donate to your Group or Meeting when the basket is passed (some meetings have a Venmo account)
Mail a check to 10756 W. Alameda, Lakewood, CO 80226 payable to Edit, Inc.
Edit is a IRS recognized 501(C)(3) non-profit entity so your Benefactors Club or other donations are tax-deductible (coffee bar is not since you get coffee).