
A Friendly Place for 12 Step Groups to Meet!

“Parking Lot -Garage Sale” August 5th at 9 to 3 – Don’t forget!!

Contributions (tax deductible) can be brought to Edit  beginning the Thursday before Saturday and will be greatly appreciated.

BBQ (hamburger and hot dogs) will be available beginning at 11:30 to 1:30.  Chips and a drink will be included for a reasonable price.

Speaker Meeting Paused Temporarily – Searching for a Coordinator

We have paused our speaker meeting on the first Saturday of the month as we are in need of a person(s) to coordinate the activity by finding and scheduling speakers and supervising volunteers to set up the room for the event.  This position can be several persons that have an interest in ensuring that speakers have a forum to present their experience in achieving sobriety through the 12 Steps.

Please contact Amy at the Club during the noon hour or send an email to edit12step@hmail.com with you name and phone number and we will discuss any questions you might have.  This is a strictly volunteer position.

Need to Cool Off? August 11 and 12 may be the Answer – See the flyer below

Edit can now be supported by your purchases at King Soopers

Please read the flyer below to enroll in having King Soopers support Edit when you use your King Soopers Loyalty/Rewards Card.  If you don’t have one and shop at King Soopers, stop at the Customer Service Desk and get one and create and account at KingSoopers.com and link it to your online account.

EDIT Fund Raising with King Soopers Please Read

Artists’ Fair Postponed – stay tuned for the date and time we reschedule

due to unforseen circumstances, the Artists’ Fair schedule for June 25 has tto be rescheduled.  Date to be determined ASAP.

Edit Hosting Artist’s Fair for Artist’s in Recovery

Sunday, June 25, 2023 – Edit will host an Artist’s Fair in our parking lot on the 6th Ave. frontage Road across from the South Boundary of the Federal Center in Lakewood.  Artists who want to show off their work by placing an exhibit (table/small tent/etc) at the event are invited to contact us for reservations.  We are asking for a small fee of $40 per exhibit (other arrangement can be made) and have a limit of 20 exhibits for the event.  The event would start at 10AM and wind up at 3 or 4PM depending on attendance.

Payments of the fee can be made through Venmo (details will be given at the time of reservation.

Please send details of the sponsor, phone and email and what will be exhibited to edit12step@gmail.com.  Questions can be addressed to the same email.



11th Sound Step Meditation Meeting – SundayMay 28th 1:15 to 2:15

Find a new way to work your program!!!



Meeting Time Updates

Eye Openers and Noon Beginners now meet every day of the week at 6:30 and Noon respectively!!

See you then?

Help Cleanup Edit Facilities

Please bring rakes, brooms, bathroom cleaning supplies.

2023 spring-cleanup-flyer.jpg

Edit Speaker’s Meeting Returns – March 4 @ 7PM

The Monthly Edit Speaker Meeting is Resuming on March 4 (Saturday) at 7PM!!!

And we are adding a potluck to the proceedings so bring a dish (setup starts at 7PM) and enjoy while you listen to three great speakers:

Andrew C.

Tim E.


See you there!!

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