
A Friendly Place for 12 Step Groups to Meet!

We Made It!

With the proceeds of the Parking Lot Sale, We have made our goal of $7000 to recover the furniture in the Coffee Bar area of the club. 4 chairs have been recovered, two are are the upholster’s and two will be picked up (hopefully next week) to be recovered. When the chairs are finished, then the couches are up be picked up.

We appreciate you patience, the contributions and the had work of the volunteers (and those contributions of “treasures” for sale by Denise (KUDOS!!) and her team.

Furniture Update as of July 1, We are Close!!

We have received the first of the re-upholstered chairs and they look great!! (No tigers were harmed in the creation of this sentence)

We are so close to being able to cover the couches as well as the chairs. If you have not contributed yet, please do. If you have contributed, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. If you can help us meet our goal, please contribute.

Please help support this effort by making a donation of any amount at the Coffee Bar, giving a check to one of the Edit Officers (or at the Coffee Bar) or mailing a check to Edit, 10576 W Alameda Ave, Lakewood, CO 80226.

More Summer BBQ – July 26

Edit hosts a Friday BBQ on July 26 @6:30PM (hopefully with less rain than at the very successful June event!)

Hamburgers or hotdogs or both are featured (vegan also) with chips, a drink and cookies for $7.00 (hamburger and a hotdog) or $5.00 for either a hamburger or a hotdog with all the fixin’s. (By all accounts, the vegan burgers are very good)

We would appreciate some side dishes such as salads as a potluck and some volunteer’s to help set up and tear down.

Serving begins at 6:30 and runs to 7:30 (between Spirit of Serenity and Unity meetings) and features fresh grilled hotdogs and hamburgers.

First Two Chairs Done!!

Come into the club and see the first of the chairs to be refinished. They look GREAT!! (No tigers were harmed in the process of refurbishing these chairs)

A very GREAT THANKS to those who have contributed much in making this project a success so far.

BUT, we still need about $2000 to finish the couches. Every dollar donated for this project is earmarked only for the furniture, so if you have an extra dollar or more in your pocket, we would like to put it towards finishing successfully.

PARKING LOT Sale!! July 21, 2019 – Saturday 9AM to 3PM

No, we are not selling off the parking lot for someone to build a 50-story hi-rise (two rooms per floor?).

We are asking for donations to sell to ourselves and the public in the parking lot to raise money for Club projects (still need money to complete furniture refurbishment in Coffee Bar).

Bring your donations (and bake goods if you are good at that) to sell on July 21 from 9AM to 3PM (a Saturday). Bring donations beginning at 5PM to 7PM Thursday and during open hours on Friday so we can sort and price your donations for the sale.

If you have some time on Saturday beginning ar 8AM, we could use some help setting up or taking down at 3PM.

Summer BBQ’s

Edit hosts a Friday BBQ (beginning Friday, June 21st at 6:30 PM) in June and July.

Hamburgers or hotdogs or both are featured (vegan also) with chips, a drink and cookies for $7.00 (hamburger and a hotdog) or $5.00 for either a hamburger or a hotdog with all the fixin’s.

We would appreciate some side dishes such as salads as a potluck and some volunteer’s to help set up and tear down.

Serving begins at 6:30 and runs to 7:30 (between Spirit of Serenity and Unity meetings) and features fresh grilled hotdogs and hamburgers.

Furniture Update

We have raised about $5000 with $2000 to go to completely refurbish the chairs and couches in the Coffee Bar Room. Thanks to all of you who have contributed and we hope more of you can join the other folks or maybe feel moved to give some more.

The $5000 will completely cover (pun intended) the chairs and is a beginning to make it possible to do the couches.

The chairs are being done in sets of two so the comfort of the old chairs will still be around while the set is being done.

This is a re-furbish with a leather like fabric that has a “life-time” guarantee so we expect not to have to redo them in four years.

A great shout-out to those who have contributed so far!!!!

Did You Know April was Alcoholics Month?

Neither did I.  Attend tour favorite meeting this week before you miss all the blessings sobriety brings!!

Spring Cleanup! May 11th

Every year we try to make the exterior of the club be as inviting as possible.  Volunteers to help us sweep, rake, trim and clean the flower beds are invited to gather after the meeting at 1PM on May 11th to bust our you know what’s for a short a time as is reasonable to do a good job and then reward ourselves with pizza (meat and cheese and vegetarian) and drinks.

Please tell the folks at the coffee bar if you plan to attend so we buy the right number of pizza’s else somebody is going to have to take some home and gain a few unneeded pounds!


May 11th @ 1PM – mark your calendars


Furniture Fundraiser

Want to help recover the furniture in the Coffee Bar?   Details are here as well as a graphic showing how we are doing so far.

Furniture Fundraiser


Donate at the Coffee Bar with cash or check.  Everybody will appreciate your donation!

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