Several groups/meetings have resumed having in-person meetings at Edit. “The meeting that Transcends” is the latest (Sunday at 5PM), Cease Fighting (CA)  (2nd, 3rd, and 4th Saturday at 8PM), andSpirit of Recovery has been doing a hybrid each weekday at 5PM.  Even with more people getting vaccinated,  we still insist on masks and social distancing (the rooms are set up for this) until we get more guidance from the State of Colorado.  Read the list on the home page for all in person meetings and for the hybrid or on-line meetings for groups that have been at Edit in the past (and who we hope return soon).  Beginners is doing a small Book Study on Tuesdays (bring your own Big Book if you have one, please).

Coffee is available in non-recyclable cups for our traditional price of $1.00 (cash or Venmo) and we ask for 7th Tradition donations via a donation bucket in the room, Venmo, or Paypal (checks for the Benefactors club or we can help you set up a recurring, monthly transfer from your credit card or bank account).

Spring is here (enjoy the rain or snow – we need the moisture!)