There are some changes due to the Covid-19 Pandemic:  Mask’s will be required to enter the club; Meetings will be at 10,12,5, and 7 to allow for cleaning and sanitizing.

A view of the meeting rooms is available at:

Video of Meeting Rooms

We appreciate all who have helped us financially during the closure.  There will be a 7th Tradition Jar for contributions at the entrance (no passing of the basket).

The club wi-fi will be available for meetings that wish to also Zoom.  Please furnish your own Zoom/conferencing equipment.

We will not be serving coffee for the near future.  Your own drinks are welcome but we will have to use trash receptacles outside near the tables under the trees.  Please do not congregate at the entrance and keep social distancing in the parking area.

Covid-19 Rules @ edit:

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