A Friendly Place for 12 Step Groups to Meet!

Author: edit12step Page 6 of 13

Edit Club News – Nov 9, 2020

Spirit of Recover is suspending meeting until their Group Conscience Meeting (1st Thursday of December).

Subscribe to this website  (at the right side of this age) to receive the latest news from this website.  The club will be open at 5 PM for anyone who wishes to meet at 5:30 as a non-SOR group.

Edit, due to the pandemic and need to social distance inside the club, has suffered a drastic drop in contributions supporting the effort to be a safe and pleasant place for 12-step groups to meet.  Many people have stepped up to help with larger than usual contributions but we are still having to dip into the prudent reserve in a non-trivial way to meet the basic day-to-day costs that go on even if we have only a few people attending a meeting.

If you have the means during these rough economic times to contribute more than you have in the past or the wherewithal to continue your generous support,  please visit the https://edit12step.com/support-the-edit-club/ web page or the home page edit12step.com and contribute through Venmo (no cost to us), PayPal (costs us 2%), or send a check or visit us at the edit address.

Contributions to Edit are tax-deductible as we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Even if you do not itemize deductions for a long-form IRS 1040 for your Federal taxes, Colorado will allow you to list a deduction on your Colorado Income Tax Form (104) and reduce your Colorado taxes that way.

Updated Meeting Schedules – August 11, 2020

The Edit Home Page has the latest schedule for you.  We have adjusted the evening hours to accommodate several some groups and Spirit of Recovery has resumed meeting at the club as well as updating their Zoom link for a hybrid meeting (Old Farts and Transcend also hold hybrid meetings on Wednesday (Old Farts) and Sunday (Transcend).  A new meeting on Saturday for CA (Cease Fighting) is on the schedule and the Edit Speaker’s Meeting will resume on the 1st Saturday of the month beginning September 5th.  Stay tuned for more as we adjust to the pandemic as best we can.

Edit July Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors of Edit, Inc. will meet at the club on Monday July 22 at 7PM with most of the directors attending in person and following the club rules for mask’s and social distancing.  All members of the club (you are a member if you say you are) are welcome.

Please feel free to join several of the Board who are unable to attend on a Zoom Link from the meeting room at the club:

Topic: Edit board meeting
Time: Jul 27, 2020 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 5786 0259
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,83757860259# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,83757860259# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 837 5786 0259
Find your local number: us02web.zoom.us/u/kdZeQtspSL

Jeremy Speaks!! – June 20th!

One of our Board members and past president is speaking this Saturday:

This Saturday Night June 20th, 2020 7:30 PM

Sweet Sobriety Open Speaker/Discussion Meeting

Speaker: Jeremy

(from the Edit Club)
Come hear Jeremy’s experience, strength and hope!

Outdoor meeting (to the right and behind the building from the parking lot) with facemasks and social distancing.

St. Francis Cabrini Church 6673 W Chatfield Ave

Littleton, CO 80128 (Chatfield and Pierce)

Chairs are available. You may also bring a camp chair. Open meeting includes family members and friends.

Notes From Special Meeting About June 15 Reopening of Edit

Holly (Board President) has some notes from the meeting finalizing the Club reopening on June 15th:

June 15th Reopening

Temporary Edit Meeting Schedule (Subject to change!)

Temporary Meeting Schedule 6/15/2020

Edit Reopening June 15th, 2020 for Meetings Only

There are some changes due to the Covid-19 Pandemic:  Mask’s will be required to enter the club; Meetings will be at 10,12,5, and 7 to allow for cleaning and sanitizing.

A view of the meeting rooms is available at:

Video of Meeting Rooms

We appreciate all who have helped us financially during the closure.  There will be a 7th Tradition Jar for contributions at the entrance (no passing of the basket).

The club wi-fi will be available for meetings that wish to also Zoom.  Please furnish your own Zoom/conferencing equipment.

We will not be serving coffee for the near future.  Your own drinks are welcome but we will have to use trash receptacles outside near the tables under the trees.  Please do not congregate at the entrance and keep social distancing in the parking area.

Covid-19 Rules @ edit:

Edit Covid-19 Rules

Edit is still trying to determine when to re-open!

If you are confused about who is open and when to open – so are we!  We are monitoring what the authorities and those of you who have contacted Board members and expressed your opinions have to say and are exploring what we need to do to re-open in a safe manner.  If you are following us by subscribing, we will email you what we determine is the best course of action as we make that determination.  Please visit the on-line/phone Meeting page for ways to help you and others keep their sobriety during this trying time: https://edit12step.com/edit-aa-online-phone-meetings-happening-and-how-to-get-one-for-your-meeting/

We especially want to give a huge thank you to those folks who are supporting the club through Paypal or Venmo on the https://edit12step.com/support-the-edit-club/ page.

Subscribe on the right side of this page or check back each week for more information.

11Th Stepper’s Online Meeting Discontinued

The 11th Stepper’s on-line meeting has been discontinued.  They await the time when they can meet at Mi-High Church.  Whenever that is, we will notify you by email if you subscribe/follow us using the sign-up form on the left.

Sofa Spuds Meeting now Passworded

Sofa Spuds has opted to password their Zoom meeting.  Contact one of thier usual attendees or email edit12step@gmail.com for the password.  The email box is only manned at this point by one person so please put SOFA SPUDS EMAIL (in CAPS) in the subject line to make sure it is seen in time.

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