A Friendly Place for 12 Step Groups to Meet!

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Edit Speaker’s Meeting – July 9 @ 7PM

Edit will again host a Speaker’s Meeting on July 9th (Saturday) at 7 PM featuring the following speakers with years of sobriety and experience:


Holly M.  (16 Years) – Daily Reprieve

Alice G.  (30 some years) – Edit Al-Anon

Come Early and get coffee and a seat!

Great Speakers and Great Fellowship

District 12, 19, 31, and33 Workshop and GSC Report July 9 2022 @3 PM

Beth P gives her report about the General Service Conference in April  and Sarah M. does AA 101.  You need to be there – refreshments are being provided by the District.


D12 Three Legacies Workshop flyer-2

S.O.B.E.R. 12 Step Study Sunday at 7:30 PM

S.O.B.E.R.  has been conducting a 12 Step Study Group on Sunday’s at their regular meeting time at Edit.  Currently they are on Step Six using the 12X12 and the Big Book.


All (CA and AA) are cordially invited to join and share.

Edit June Speakers Meeting – June 4 @7PM

We have two new speakers with unique backgrounds.  Come and hear their experiences of sobriety:


Jason T from Headache or the Hammer (Hummingbird Hill Ranch, CA)

Alex N. from Eye Openers (Edit Club)


11th Step Meditation – June 11 @1:30

If you have never experienced this rush of soothing sounds to accompany your meditation – now is a great time to experience!!  June 11 @ 1:30 PM at Edit,  Hope to see you here!




Edit Speakers Meeting Canceled for May

We are working on speakers for the first Saturday in June. If you would like to share your AA experience with AA at Edit at any speakers meeting this year, please send an email to edit12step@gmail.com with your contact information and your sobriety length. We’ll get back to you promptly. Thanks!

Edit March Speakers Meeting – March 5 – 7PM

Our monthly speakers meeting will be March 5th at 7PM. Please be sure to arrive early and get a seat!

Speakers will be Regina from the Alamo Club with 34 years of sobriety and Weslyn V.C.

Come for insight into sobriety and fellowship!

No mask requirement is now in effect

Due to the Jeffco Health department dropping the mandatory mask requirement, Edit will not require masks for meetings or other activities in the club. We do recognize that some people are still uncomfortable being in a situation without masks, so we ask that you be sensitive to other meeting attendees needs and wear a mask if asked by the member of a meeting.

Edit Board Annual Meeting

The Board of Directors o the Edit Club will hold their annual kickoff meeting on Saturday, January 22, 2022 at 1:30 PM at the club to welcome three newly elected members to the Board and to elect officers for the 2022 year.

Outgoing members of the Board will be honored for their service during the last year in face of the pandemic.

All members are invited to attend (some light refreshments will be provided) as all meetings of the Board of Directors are open to any member of the club.

January Speaker’s Meeting Postponed to February 2022

Due to a schedule conflict, Edit’s January Speaker’s Meeting Schedule for 8 January (was mistakenly identified as occurring on 9 Jan) has been postponed to February 5 (1st Saturday of the month).

Our apologies for any inconvenience.

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